Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Y - The Last Man (Comic/Graphic Novel)

pic from forevergeek.com

Y - The Last Man, is a comic book series(60 issues) based on Earth's last man(named Yorrick) and the adventures he goes through in life after every single male mammal, except him and his male capuchin monkey(named Ampersand), die off mysteriously.

Not giving off anymore of the story yet(don't worry, super minor spoilers), I would like to say that this series has one of the best stories I've ever read. Now coming from me, who is a comic book noob, it may seem like I'm exaggerating- but that can't be possible as a few simple Google searches reveal this novel to be in the top of it's league(at least in this decade).

Now, when you think about a comic book that's targeted towards a mature audience(you probably need an open mind for this)- where the story is about the 2 last male mammals in the planet- most people might instantly think that the book might be filled with sex... but that is very untrue. It has it's moments, where there are references or incidents related to sex, but those complimented the story line and kept everything in check. Every issue had either one or a few plot twists, but they were never overdone- everything just felt right, and so possible(if certain circumstances were to arise). The characters and timelines were fit in perfectly too with really good character build ups- leading to a weird sense of excitement whenever I finished an issue.

It was impossible to let go off this story- which were all parts exciting and mysterious, plus some pretty sad moments(maybe that's me being emotional at times). I applaud Brian K. Vaughan for his creative ingeniousness here and the respective editor/inker/penciller, etc in their effort to successfully give birth to this masterpiece.

Here's a preview(2 Issues) of the series to download(from megaupload)~
(you need a software to open these, check for CDisplay in the 'Useful Downloads and Sites' Tab)
- Issue #1 (8mb)
- Issue #2 (6mb)

thanks to the unknown scanners.
(remember, if you like it- go buy it)

For more information(watch out for spoilers)- Wikipedia

Supposedly a movie based on the series is supposed to come out around 2011... hopefully it won't ruin the series... IMDb 

Highly Recommended to anyone 16+

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